Date: Sun, 20 Feb 94 16:01:29 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #185 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Sun, 20 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 185 Today's Topics: Amelia Earheart was Codeless, unfortunately ANS-050 BULLETINS A transmission line loss question Chinese Amateurs Sent to Labor Camps ? code software HTX-202 or HTX-404 repeater viability during Northridge quake Satellite Tracking Programs Supermorse 4.06 Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Feb 1994 12:00:29 -0800 From: olivea!!! Subject: Amelia Earheart was Codeless, unfortunately To: jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jeff Herman) writes: >In article <2jo50h$> (Rajiv Dewan) writes: >>From: The DX reflector >>Subject: Amelia Earhart >>From: (Ron Chester) >>Date: Sat, 12 Feb 94 23:30:00 -0800 >> >>Tonight I saw the last half of a PBS show on Amelia Earhart which I >>believe most DXers would find interesting. (I missed the beginning, so >>don't know the name of the program). >> >>According to the show, Earhart did not especially like radio >>communication, and did not get properly trained up on radio navigation. >>For her final around-the-world flight in 1937, she left her Morse Code key >>at home, as she had never managed to master the code. >......... >I'd state the obvious moral of this story, but we're not on .policy .... >[See? I'm able to muster a bit of restraint periodically (once a year).] You mean, Jeff, the moral of the story is to not teleport yourself back into the 1940s? 73, Kok Chen, AA6TY Apple Computer, Inc. ------------------------------ Date: 20 Feb 94 19:06:57 GMT From: Subject: ANS-050 BULLETINS To: SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-050.01 NEW HF BBS FOR OSCAR INFO HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 050.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD FEBUARY 19, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-050.01 New HF Packet Radio BBS Carrying AMSAT Info WT0N-3 St. Paul, Minnesota will carry all AMSAT bulletins and Keps as well as other satellite related items such as "SPACENEWS." The station will be on 10.127 LSB (30M) Monday through Saturday from 16:00 UTC until 23:OO UTC Monday through Saturday. The PBBS uses 300 baud HF Packet, but will also be available for AMTOR and/or PACTOR. The PACTOR schedule, as of 2/19/94 is 23:30 to 04:00 UTC. At this time, the PBBS is set up as an experiment and any comments and suggestions should be sent to the SYSOP, B.J. Arts (WT0N), at one of the following: PACKET:WT0N@WB0GDB.#STP.MN.USA.NOAM INTERNET:BJARTS@STTHOMAS.EDU [The AMSAT News Service (ANS) would like to thank B.J. Arts (WT0N) for this information. ] /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-050.02 AO-13 OPERATIONS NET SCHEDS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 050.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD FEBUARY 19, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-050.02 Current AMSAT Operations Net Schedule For AO-13 AMSAT Operations Nets are planned for the following times. Mode-B Nets are conducted on AO-13 on a downlink frequency of 145.950 MHz. If, at the start of the OPS Net, the frequency of 145.950 MHz is being used for a QSO, OPS Net enthusiasts are asked to move to the alternate frequency of 145.955 MHz. Date UTC Mode Phs NCS Alt NCS 28-Feb-94 0430 B 068 WB6LLO W9ODI Any stations with information on current events would be most welcomed. Also, those interested in discussing technical issues or who have questions about any particular aspect of OSCAR statellite operations, are encouraged to join the OPS Nets. If neither of the Net Control Stations show up, any participant is invited to act as the NCS. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-050.03 WEEKLY OSCAR STATUS REPORTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 050.03 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD FEBUARY 19, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-050.03 Weekly OSCAR Status Reports: 19-FEB-94 AO-13: Current Transponder Operating Schedule: L QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1994 Jan 31-Apr 04 Mode-B : MA 0 to MA 90 | Mode-BS : MA 90 to MA 120 | Mode-S : MA 120 to MA 145 |<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-S : MA 145 to MA 150 |<- S beacon only Mode-BS : MA 150 to MA 180 | Blon/Blat 180/0 Mode-B : MA 180 to MA 256 | Omnis : MA 230 to MA 30 | Move to attitude 240/0, Apr 04 [G3RUH/DB2OS/VK5AGR] FO-20: The FO-20 command station announced that a slight mulfunctioning in the onboard command system had been detected. So, the analog mode operations arranged from 9th of Feb. will be performed on schedule, but there is a possibility of interruption due to commading. The present schedule is as same announced before. ANALOG MODE: 23-FEB-94 8:05 -TO- 02-MAR-94 6:40 UTC 09-MAR-94 7:05 -TO- 16-MAR-94 7:30 UTC 23-MAR-94 7:52 -TO- 30-MAR-94 8:15 UTC DIGITAL MODE: Unless otherwise noted above. [Kazu Sakamoto (JJ1WTK)] AO-16: Operating normally. Experimenter's Day with S-Band transmitter on will be run on 02/23/94 03:45 UTC to 02/24/94 03:15 UTC. Whole Orbit Data (WOD) collections each month by week are: 1) Solar Array Currents, 2) Temperatures 3) Power/Bus Voltages 4) Various telemetry parameters to be determined by the Command Team. [WH6I & WJ9F] LO-19: Operating normally. [WH6I] KO-23: Up and running. [WH6I] KO-25: BBS up and running. [WH6I] POSAT: Definitely seems to be turned off on the amateur frequencies. [WH6I] IO-26: Is back up and running (1200 baud) and seeing a lot of use. [WH6I] AO-21: LW2DTZ reports that the RUDAK-II beacon was sending the following information: RUDAK2>BEACON:RUDAK-II Schedule: (down 145.987 MHz, up 435.016) min/10 Beacon Mode 0..4 FM Repeater 5..7 WEFAX Picture 8..9 AFSK TLM LW2DTZ further notes that AO-21 is very active with hams from south of Brazil using this crossband repeater. [LW2DTZ] MIR: MIR is working normally in 145.550 MHz. R0MIR and R0MIR-1 Personal Messaging System (PMS) are active on all the orbits. [LW2DTZ] RS-10: ZS6AOP reports that RS-10 is still operating normally at his QTH. He notes that there are a handful of regular stations keeping the contacts going but recently he has experienced a quiet spell, only hearing himself. ZS6AOP wonders what the preferred mode of operation is over Europe and the USA? Do any stations use CW? The only times has heard CW over Southern Africa is for tuning and spotting one's own signal. [ZS6AOP] UO-11: ZS6AOP has been monitoring this satellite at regular intervals. It is his observation that the signals are weaker today than before the on-board computer "crash" several months ago. [ZS6AOP] The AMSAT NEWS Service (ANS) is looking for volunteers to contribute weekly OSCAR status reports. If you have a favorite OSCAR which you work on a regular basis and would like to contribute to this bulletin, please send your observations to WD0HHU at his CompuServe address of 70524,2272, on INTERNET at, or to his local packet BBS in the Denver, CO area, WD0HHU @ W0LJF.#NECO.CO.USA.NOAM. Also, if you find that the current set of orbital elements are not generating the correct AOS/LOS times at your QTH, PLEASE INCLUDE THAT INFORMATION AS WELL. The information you provide will be of value to all OSCAR enthusiasts. /EX ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 22:12:30 GMT From: agate!!wupost!udel!!direct! Subject: A transmission line loss question To: Tom Bruhns ( wrote: : I have a perverse question about feeding an antenna with a coaxial : transmission line. This is intended as food for thought. (You've : been warned ;-) : Assume you have a 50 ohm antenna you want to use on a single : frequency in the two meter band. You will be feeding it with : about 100 feet of coax, which will be cut to an exact integer : multiple number of half-wavelengths on the operating frequency. : Which of the following two transmission lines will you choose : to give lower loss? : A. 50 ohm air-insulated copper line with 1" OD : B. 75 ohm air-insulated copper line with 1" OD -- in other : words, same line as in (A), but a smaller center conductor. C. 300 ohm ladder-line... some people will be surprised. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 12:21:14 -0600 From: agate!!!!! Subject: Chinese Amateurs Sent to Labor Camps ? To: In article <2k2sd6$>, (W. M Wood -- The Signal Group) wrote: > Some amateurs noted that there had been a recent lack of > activity from PRC amateurs but had attributed this to > poor propagation. The following excerpts may shed some light on the questions raised-- United Press International 1993 November 6, 1993, China's highest leaders have issued new regulations restricting access to radio frequencies in the latest of a series of moves to assert control over media, a state-run newspaper reported Saturday. The order, approved by President Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng, was designed to end ''disorder in the management of radio communications, the use of frequencies and establishment of radio stations,'' the official China Daily said. ''Those found operating radio stations and using radio frequencies without official approval will be subject to inspection and punishment,'' Wu Jichuan, minister of posts and telecommunications, told the newspaper. The regulations legalize the state's monopoly over radio communications, including mobile telephones, pagers, telecommunications, and radio and television stations. The article did not specify when the regulations would become effective. ''All radio stations, whether run by individuals or units, must obtain approval from radio management committees and observe the new 10- part regulations,'' the article said. ------------------------------ Date: 20 Feb 94 19:55:12 GMT From:!!! Subject: code software To: Can anyone suggest a site for software for helping with code learning? Failing that, how about recommending software for this purpose, and where it might be found? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 94 12:00:58 -0500 From: agate!!!! Subject: HTX-202 or HTX-404 To: I am a scanner enthusiast, and am now interested in getting into amateur radio since listening to the local "hams" on my scanner. I have a couple quick questions, some of which may even be in a FAQ if it exists, but I'll throw them all out here, since I know you are the people to ask. 1) To get started, I'm considering a portable that I can get quick. I'm considering the RS HTX-202 and HTX404, but I don't know the difference between the two "bands", which is more active, which is better. 2) I often hear about amateur repeaters. I know what a repeater is, and how it works, but is my understanding that there are repeaters installed for use by amateur radio operators correct. Who installed them, who can use them, and what does it cost. 3) Finally, my wife works near Dayton, Ohio during the week, and we live near Toledo. If we both had HT-202 or HT-404 's, could we communicate with each other. Not without repeaters, I'm sure, so I guess this question involves the repeater questions. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience! MAH ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 94 15:45:16 GMT From: netcomsv!netcomsv!skyld! Subject: repeater viability during Northridge quake To: In article <> writes: > I would like to know how the repeaters around Los Angeles held up > immediately after the recent Northridge earthquake. So many machines The Henry Radio machine was off the air. 146.670 -600 PL 141.3 But, that was just business as usuall with that machine. Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA | "You have a flair for adding Internet: | a fanciful dimension to any US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | story." Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | Peking Noodle Co. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 19:05:55 GMT From:!agate!netsys! Subject: Satellite Tracking Programs To: (David Dodell) writes: >I am interested in obtaining a good satellite tracking program for >tracking some of the amateur birds. Recommendations on shareware / >commercial packages would be appreciated. >David wb7tpy >--- >Editor, HICNet Medical Newsletter >Internet: FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165 >Bitnet : ATW1H@ASUACAD Try Traksat, ftp to it is in the msdos/satelite directory Steve K5SE ------------------------------ Date: 20 Feb 1994 19:57:31 GMT From: agate!!wupost!!cec3! Subject: Supermorse 4.06 To: For those of you who practice code with Supermorse--I found SM406 on /pub/ham/morse. Sorry if you already have it--but all the ftp sites I had previously seen only has up to sm404. It does have some bug fixes that I noticed--but I won't mention them here. --jesse ------------------------------ Date: 20 Feb 1994 19:43:31 GMT From: koriel!newsworthy.West.Sun.COM!abyss.West.Sun.COM!pongo! To: References , <2k3apaINNmjf@abyss.West.Sun.COM>, Subject : Help me (was Re: Spectral purity of 2m tx (was Re: RAMSEY FX TRANSCEIVER In article jherman@uhunix3.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jeff Herman) writes: >In article <2k3apaINNmjf@abyss.West.Sun.COM> myers@pongo.West.Sun.COM (Dana Myers ) writes: >> >>Anyway, comparing 1kW on 11m to the amateur rules is pointless. >>Amateurs have historically been very proud of a strict compliance >>to the rules, and frequently ridicule 11m folks for not complying >>with the appropriate rules. I should hope you aren't condoning the >>operation of radios with illegal harmonic outputs on sensitive aero bands. > >Why not? You'll defend a pirate who posts 6MHz air-to-ground >frequencies on in answer to a query posted by an other >pirate as to what frequencies other illegals were using outside of >11M. Don't sound so high and mighty on here Dana while at the same time >defend illegals posting (inviting?) pirate operation on air-to-ground >channels. This really isn't worth a response, much less one to the Usenet, but I'll make one attempt. Jeff Herman has engaged in pattern of attempting inflame newsgroups, by posting such inflammatory notes. This is my only response, since my experience with people exhibiting the conduct I see in Jeff is that they'll go away if you ignore them. For what it is worth, on, I *did* post note suggesting that Jeff's threat to report an SWL to the ITU was frivolous. In fact, I attempted to point out that there was no evidence that this alleged "pirate" Jeff talks about was anything but an SWL. >Oh, and let's not forget your coming to Shoup's defense (December) after >I chastised him for stating he was going to put a 5kw xmtr on the ham >bands. Mike Shoupe did state he had a couple of 5KW AM transmitters he intended to place on the ham bands, when his license permitted. From the context, it was suggested that Shoupe intends to abide by the regulations of his license class. Next thing we know, Jeff Herman is posting a series of notes condemning Shoupe as an "outlaw" and "scofflaw". It is certainly the case that a high-powered transmitter may be operated at reduced power, often with improved performance. It is also the case that Mr. Shoupe may not yet be aware the AM power limits are less than the oft talked about 1.5KW output limit. >Make up your mind as to which side of the law you stand on. I stand on the side of compliance and respect for the rights of individuals. For some reason, Herman feels compelled to carry on a campaign against any Usenet poster who even suggests something that is contrary to law, and Jeff feels compelled to carry on a campaign especially against me, on several occaisions quoting me out of context and making completely false assertions with regards to me. For the record, I oppose any kind of illegal radio operation. For the record, I oppose the violation of legal and ethical rights of people. If Mr. Herman wishes to condemn me for this stance, fine. However, I do not believe this kind of personal vendetta is appropriate for a newsgroup. If you have further questions or comments on the issue, please feel free to write to me at: Dana.Myers@West.Sun.Com If you have any questions or comments for Jeff Herman, his e-mail address is: jherman@Hawaii.Edu Thank you, Dana -- * Dana H. Myers KK6JQ, DoD 466 | Views expressed here are * * (310) 348-6043 | mine and do not necessarily * * Dana.Myers@West.Sun.Com | reflect those of my employer * * This Extra supports the abolition of the 13 and 20 WPM tests * ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 21:46:29 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!udel!!direct! To: References <2k2r9g$>, , <2k4hh4$> Subject : Re: Jeff Gold Jesse L Wei ( wrote: : connotation is different than denotation. Common usage is not necessarily : the same as the dictionary definition. By the way, my dictionary also has : "4. a mysterious quality of enchantment: e.g. the magic of the distant past." : --jesse My apologies, Jesse. I did not believe that anyone would take me seriously. I just wanted to hand Jeff a mirror. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 22:07:28 GMT From:!usc!!wupost!udel!!direct! To: References <2jr13kINNkbv@abyss.West.Sun.COM>, , <2k4gis$> Subject : Re: Ramsey slams ARRL (was Re: RAMSEY FX TRANSCEIVER) Jesse L Wei ( wrote: : slander n. 1. Law. The utterance of defamatory statements injurious : to the reputation or well-being of a person. MHO, jesse Jesse, I'm no legal expert either, but your dictionary agrees with me. John's alleged statements during a private telephone conversation did not injure the reputation or well-being of Jeff. Dana may have injured Jeff's reputation or well-being by revealing the alleged contents of a private telephone conversation. There is no doubt what happened the other direction. What do you say? How 'bout we both get a technical life. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 21:42:21 GMT From: agate!!!udel!!direct! To: References <2k2r9g$>, , <2k49diINNmp0@abyss.West.Sun.COM> Subject : Re: Jeff Gold Dana Myers (myers@pongo.West.Sun.COM) wrote: : Oh, Cecil, give it a rest. Hi Dana, I appologize to you and anyone else who took this posting seriously. It was pure sarcasm to demonstrate an unethical, uncivilized (less than human) posting. I called it ridiculous in the posting. How many times have I asked you to keep this discussion technical? : You've worked hard to discredit my statements... Nope, it wasn't hard. : Then you try the very behavior you condemned Jeff Gold for. The behavior was a joke, OK? I asked Jeff if he wanted to see an unethical person and handed him a mirror. : What you fail to acknowledge is that the public dealings of an : amateur business is a perfectly valid topic for I agree 100%. But public allegations of what was allegedly said in private telephone conversations are not proper topics for this group unless you guys legally taped the conversations. There is no way to prove that you are telling the truth or are out on a personal vendetta for imagined mistreatment. And at this point, unfortunately, it does not matter if you were telling the truth or not. The damage is done either way. And, by the way, I would never call anyone a liar, except in jest. Civilized people do not call another person a liar. Civilized people give the benefit of the doubt or doubt what one says is true. : You're missing the point entirely! Either that or you refuse to see it. : * Dana H. Myers KK6JQ One more time... this is a technical group. This discussion started when Jeff knocked (for the Nth time) the FTR-146 and objected to the way he was allegedly treated by Ramsey Electronics two years ago. He should have posted it under a Ramsey Electronics heading, identified the product and alleged experience as being two years old. Two years can make a big difference and is a long time to carry a personal grudge. I called Jeff a liar in jest but I would like him and/or you to swear the he/you have never lied... does that mean that you two are liars? Maybe you should ask Jeff if he would like to see this negative thread about him continue indefinitely. We are wasting a lot of time and energy that could be used helping other hams on Internet. One more time... The Ramsey FX transceiver problems are all known and there are fixes for every one of them. They exist in a MODS directory on Internet and I will look up the server. I do not know anything about any other Ramsey products. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 1994 19:11:06 GMT From: agate!!gatech!udel!!direct! To: References <2jtq4nINNl22@abyss.West.Sun.COM>, , Subject : Re: John Ramsey John E. Taylor III ( wrote: : Really?! I've built Heathkits from the original oscilloscope and AT-1 : transmitter right up through their kit 2-m HT, and had _very_ few problems : 73 de John Taylor W3ZID My last Heathkit was their small one-transistor 2m linear, can't remember the part number. The collector, base, and emitter were shorted together on the original printed circuit board because the transistor hole was drilled too small. It blew up my Wilson HT. Any kit company has disgruntled customers. Of the six kits that I bought from Heathkit, only the digital clock worked from the start. My HW101 had something like a cold solder joint or cracked trace that I couldn't find and Heath couldn't find. I sold it for spare parts. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #185 ******************************